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Holy Thursday Reflection

Holy Thursday marks the night that Jesus held the Last Supper with his Disciples, washed their feet, prayed in the Garden, and was betrayed and arrested. Take time to reflect on this night and what it means for you today.

For the children:


Jesus Washes the Disciples' feet

Read John 13:1-17

Do you realize what Jesus was doing (v.7)? Pray that the Holy Spirit would help us understand what Jesus is doing here in this story and also in the world around us today.

Ask Jesus to wash you. Take time to confess your sins and reflect on the parts of your life that need washing.


An Example and a New Covenant

Read John 13:31-38

Consider and pray for those whom you are called to serve and love. Whose feet do you need to wash? How can we follow his example of being a servant? Pray that the Holy Spirit would make you a “servant of God and Lord Jesus Christ” (James 1:1).



When you are ready, read Luke 22:7-30. Take part in the Last Supper with Jesus.


For Further Reflection

After supper Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane/Mount of Olives to pray. Feel free to read some (or all) of the accounts of his prayer:

Mt 26:36-46, Mk 14:32-42, Lk 22:39-46, Jn 17

What prayers do you have coming out of these readings? How does Jesus’ prayers affect your prayers?

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